This was one design i came up with inspired by a wooden table i came across. It is made from 3 identical pieces of xanita board which are interlocked to create a hexagon. The render shows the stool using red, yellow and blue, however these are not the colours i would choose, though show how the pieces interlock. The vertical faces of the stool would need a locking system along the edge of each and if this didnt hold the weight, perhaps a brace around the bottom would need to be added. I like the simple shape but nice graphics its achieves. I made a model from paper of the stool and found it fitted in neatly until i thought about the thickness and rigity of the xanita board. I then made a quick model from foamcore to experiment with a material that had some thickness to it and found that i would need to cut out the bulk of the xanita board through the section that interlocks to allow for the other piece to fit below it (as seen in top right).
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