This is my first 1:1 mock up of my chair. I think that overall the shapes and forms I have achieved are quite interesting and I made sure that I considered the chair at all angles you look at it. I managed to get the tabs that came off the side of the seat surface to tuck in nicely to follow the folds on the side supporting surfaces as well as tuck in neatly behind to lock it all together. I was able to sit on this chair will some precaution as I didnt want it to break before I took it into class but it was reassuring to know that it held the majority of my weight even though it was made from a thinner, weaker cardboard than the xanita board will be.
I did come across a couple of problems when making this chair and that was the curve at the front. Because it is visible, I will need to work to refine it in order to allow it to bend without tearing. I also need to reduce either the width or height of the flat pattern as it didnt fit properly onto the size that our final xanita board will be. To do this, I will take the supporting surfaces down about 20mm and then reduce the size of the back rest and and the material that tucks down the back.
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