I chose concept one to refine.
This was my progression in in terms of shape, folds and proportions made in small scale. I used mounting board to execute most of these as it was similar to xanita in the way that it had little flex in it so I couldn't just bend a piece into shape; it was fairly rigid. I began with my initial idea which was too two dimensional and slowly tweaked it so that it became interesting at any angle you looked at it. I tidied up the edges and added tabs where i could to hide them. I also made extra folds in order to play with the light and how it made different shades when hitting different surfaces. From my initial concept, I simply used paper to work out how to make some folds in the side surfaces to take out some of the bulk of the card without removing any material as this would make the chair weaker. I found it difficult to achieve in mount board what i had achieved in paper as it was more rigid, however, I did manage to get a good shape happening through the base of the chair without compromising the strength. I then played with add the tabs coming off the seat to hide the raw edges of the seat. I also added the curve in the seat which made the front and backrest sections curve as well. I also played with the proportions to make it more like a 'perching' stool.
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