These were my attempts to fix the tearing problems i had at the intersection of the curved surfaces. The first attempt used v cuts which were 20mm wide (10mm each side). This tore the most and looking at where the tears occurred, I thought that maybe widening the v cut at these points may help. The secodn attempt demonstrates this and although it was slightly better, there was still significant tearing. I then used a curved edge where I removed only the top layer and I realised by using a Vcut, it left only the top layer of the xanita board which, by itself, wasn't very strong and tore. By removing only the top layer, it still left the bulk of the material so there was more material to withold its shape. The curved edges worked well, making it look neat as well as not tearing. I also had to take out some material at the corner points where these faces met to eliminate and tears beginning there from all the bending. I like the graduated bending as it keeps in theme with the straight lines of the rest of the chair.
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