Thursday, June 4, 2009



Flat patterns

This is the flat pattern with dimensions. This demonstrates an economic use of material as it is just less than 1830 wide and exactly 1220 tall. The thickness is 10mm.
In context

Model making
This was my first model on which I found the problems i had to fix. the main problems I found were the side tabs that didn't properly tuck in. In this image, you can see i have added on a tab with masking tape in order to see if an attached tab would hold the side tabs in further. It proved to work, however, they still posed a slight problem in the second and third models. The second model I did, the holes in which these tabs push into were slightly off the right angle and were slightly too long. This let them slide back out slightly so I redid the model a third time making sure to get the holes on the side the right angle and size. I acheived this, however, they stil marginally slid out so if i was to make another model I would have the two tabs interlock within the shell of the chair so that they pulled back against each other and you wouldn't be able to see it from looking at the chair. Unfortunately this was an expensive process and also time consuming but with more time i would fix the problem this way.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Xanita board 1st attempt


My major concern for my chair when making it out of xanita was the front edge where the two curved surfaces met. Because of the angles in which they are folded, there are areas which want to peel away from the top surface/skin of the board which results in tearing. I noticed slight tearing in my 1:1 model using the thinner card. This made me think that I needed to do a mock up of the affected areas in xanita.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
1:1 model #2

I also need to lock the back together to restrict any movement sideways. I will do this discretely inside the unit so that it is not visible. Overall, I am happy with the shape, proportions and form.
Friday, May 15, 2009
1:1 model

I did come across a couple of problems when making this chair and that was the curve at the front. Because it is visible, I will need to work to refine it in order to allow it to bend without tearing. I also need to reduce either the width or height of the flat pattern as it didnt fit properly onto the size that our final xanita board will be. To do this, I will take the supporting surfaces down about 20mm and then reduce the size of the back rest and and the material that tucks down the back.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Concept development and refinement

Here I was refining my concept and looking at the ways in which to develop it further in terms of the shape and ways of achieving the curve. I first tried to mark out where i would need to make the cuts on ome of my existing pasteboard models. I then tried it multiple times in xanita board varying the width of the gap made between the front surface and the seat. I had trouble with this section because where the two curved faces met, the thin layer of card tore.
I experimented with just having scores along the underside of the seat as well as actually removing material. I also looked at having less of a gradual curve and making it curve using just three flat surfaces at different angles. I like this idea as it created a more enticing seat yet still stuck to the 'truth to material' idea.
As I would like to conceal all cuts made to achieve folds by having them all on the interior of the chair, I focused on trying to achieve bends through cutting only the undersides of all the surface. I may have to consider looking at cutting the visible side of the seat to achieve a good curve.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Concept Progression

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Concept three

Concept two

Concept one

Saturday, April 18, 2009



Humans and seating

Effective/economical use of material

Friday, April 17, 2009
conclusion: Salone satellite Milan

I have chosen to set up an area at the entrance of the pavillions that the Salone Satellite exhibition is in at the Milan fairgrounds. The area will serve as a meeting point, resting area and waiting area for perhaps those waiting for others still looking around. The seating will not serve as a place for relaxation so much as the event wants visitors looking around rather than sitting. The graphics will tie in with the theme of the event and become a focal point as visitors walk in. There will be a screen or blank wall on which a projector will show images or short clips of the various entrant in the event.
There could also perhaps be a bench along the front wall that people can use to write details, sketch or fill out forms if there are any that relate to feedback or anything. The stools will provide seating for this as well.
This is a quote from a Belgian group that exhibited in the Salon Satellite event last year on ecodesign; "Ecodesign is very much an implicit parameter and not a passing fad. It is a state of mind, not a label. The choice of a material, the innovativeness of the solutions, the size of the object and the finish have strong, original, poetic connotations. Creators that combine quality of life, respect for the environment and for the user in their creations."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
One single rectangular piece of cardboard
This is another really cool design that expands out to become different types of seating from a loung like chair to bed-like seating. Very cool idea.
Another very clever collapsible stool
Esquisse 4: Xanita board

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
ESQUISSE 3: 3D Translation
For my first attempts, I made 3 separate models from 80gsm paper. Model One used strips of paper of increasing size folded and pinned together to form the flower. Model Two used diamond shapes of varying size slotted together to create a curved form making up the petals of the flower. Model Three was a origami model that i made which ended up with varied sized petals.

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Leaf folded from paper